Alicia Sacramone hot news she is pregnant in 2011

Alicia Sacramone – US Olympic gymnast , seen in pictures and video clips below, is not only a hottie, she is also a gold medal favorite in the vault at the 2008 Olympic Games.

Alicia Sacramone recently joined five other elite Olympic athletes – Kerri Walsh, Jeremy Wariner, Adam Wheeler, Brian Olson, and Adler Volmar – in a promotion with 24 Hour Fitness where the athletes will appear in the company’s advertising, make promotional appearances at local clubs, and develop signature workouts for the club’s members.

“24 Hour Fitness is proud to continue its support of the United States Olympic Team and help in their ongoing quest for glory at the 2008 Olympic Games in Beijing,” said Tony Wells, Chief Marketing Officer of 24 Hour Fitness. “These inspiring athletes were selected because they share 24 Hour Fitness’ vision of making fitness accessible for everyone and know the importance of setting goals, working hard and remembering to have fun along the way.”

Alicia Sacramone hot News

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