Dads For Life Father & Child Challenge

Today was the Singapore Bay Run 2011 and for this year, SAFRA together with Dads for Life, added a new race category to its run line-up. It was the inaugural Dads for Life 800m Father & Child Challenge which will see father & child teams run side-by-side along a short route.

So naturally di-di & I pestered Daddy to sign up, and he agreed all too readily. Maybe because it was only 800m, we suspect.

And so, we got up bright & early on a Sunday morning (yawn) and made our way to the Starting Point.

Any sleepiness that we still harboured were quickly dispelled by the carnival-like atmosphere and the numerous Father & Child pairs there.

Maybe I spoke too soon.

Di-di still sleepy? Haha.

But the loud thundering sounds of balloon stick clappers were enough to jolt any sleepyhead awake, and that meant it was soon to be our turn to race!

As soon as the air horn sounded, we were off!

For our past runs like the Cold Storage Kids Run & StanChart Marathon Kids Dash, di-di & I always sprint away like the wind in the beginning. And Daddy keeps reminding us to conserve some energy for the final part of the run.

Erm, obviously we forgot all about it again.

See our tired faces? Still can stop and take photos somemore. Hee hee...

But after a brief walk, we rediscovered our energy and made our way to the Finish Line!

All our huffs and puffs were worth it in the end when we collected our Finisher's Medals!

Yah lah, I know my smile was pretty forced. Can't help it if one is feeling tired, sweaty, hungry and thirsty right? :P

But our efforts were duly rewarded later when we had prata! YUMZ!

And for this race, the medals that we received were unlike the ones we previously got - they came in a pair, with one medal for Daddy and the other for the child. And when you place them together, they join up to form 2 connected circles. Very unique and nice!

Which also meant Daddy got TWO medals! :P

Well, looks like there is another race to add to our running calendar! :)
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