Female Lion

Female Lion
Proud, yes, but straightforward. The nose has taken the hill, but make no mistake: it has a big heart (selfishness of racing sometimes in size) and fits everything and everyone. Intervene in ways non-discriminatory (for such we are now;) and has a high opinion of herself. Come on, however, one of the best friends, to worship,''and''heart out ...
Γυναίκα Λέων

They are extroverted and almost always says what he has in mind. 'Opa! Why my good woman;;;; Why not keep something valuable for yourself; E;! Why do you make a healthy (sic) have concluded that-magic-always, always say! -, Right;

I know that other modest amount and other punctuation - Zodiac I say, do not last long one in front of your greatness, but remember that every Queen needs and .... Nationals .... Cheers!
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