Fighting cellulite and adiposity: the advice of medical aesthetic

Fighting cellulite and adiposity: the advice of medical aesthetic
We asked Dr. Anna Maria Veronesi, aesthetic medicine specialist with a master's degree from the University of Pavia, how to recognize the best to combat cellulite and how to reduce localized fat deposits.
Cellulite e adiposità localizzata: come combatterle
Cellulite and localized fat are all conditions that put women in crisis, especially during the summer. To fight these enemies as best we must first know and understand how and why they appear.
Riconoscere la cellulite
Cellulitis is an inflammatory disease of subcutaneous tissues and is caused by an alteration of the microcirculation, which causes poor oxygenation of tissues.
Adiposità localizzata: prevenire e combattere
In this way suffering and the cells produce inflammatory molecules that attract water until further, to defend themselves from the excess liquid, creating a defense fibrous.
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